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Progress/Homework Update:

பாடம்/பயிற்சி அறிவிப்புகள்:

All Nilai: Practice tamil Thai valzthu.

Nilai 1:

Learn and practice writing அ,ஆ ,இ ,ஈ , உ,ஊ and learn some two words each letter .

Learn ஆத்திச்சுடி first five lines.complete paadam 2 in paadanool and payirichi nool

Nilai 2:

-Read Uyir, mei and அ வரிசை uyir mei eluthuhal.

-Complete lesson 2 in Payirchi Nool

-Complete lesson 3 (Page 12)in Paada Nool

- one Tamil Poem.

Nilai 3:

-Practice Uyir, mei and uyir mei eluthuhal.

-read lesson 3 in Paada Nool

- fill 5,6,7,10 in Paada Nool or as much as possible

- one Tamil story and it’s moral

Nilai 4:

Read uyir, mei and uyir mei eluthuhal

In Payirchi Nool, complete (part I, II and III) in Veettu Paadam 3 ( pages 12 and 13)

Learn one thirukkural with meaning

Story for this week: By Bhavana

Nilai 5:

Lesson 3: Read the story "மாமரமே சாட்சி" in பாட நூல் (Page 14 & 15) and then do the following...

1. Write all the new words you came across in Tamil and their meanings in English

2. List 3 things which interested you in the story about life during Akbar and Birbal's time. Write at least 2 sentences in Tamil on each one.